Revive Church Mobile Outreach! We go into the community once a month to feed and minister to the broken! Our Outreach team is lead by Terri Beasley and her amazing husband “Killer Beaz” if you are interested in helping contact Ms. Terri 251-753-8962

Ms Terri and Truett Beasley
Taking the Love of God
into the community
and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
We are currently accepting donations:
If you would like to donate….
1. Money? click the GIVING and earmark (Outreach)
2. Your Time? Would you like to join us one Saturday at 10 Am as we go into the community to love on people?
3. Talents? We need people in all professions. We may need construction, electrical, plumbing, roofing, or mechanical work, housekeepers, babysit..etc. depending on the needs of the community.
Do you have specific qualifications and would like to contribute by using your talents to help someone in need?
We need all of these things and greatly appreciate any thing you are willing to contribute.